central coast preschool & Daycare photography

coco + pickles | Sydney Pet Photographer

This past month I have been house, dog and rat sitting! All three have their pros and cons. The house is gorgeous, there is a pool and a lock up garage my car lives in, those are the little things that I appreciate :)

The dog.. Coco is CRAZY! she wee’s if you speak to her when you first arrive home (excited), or if James speaks to her….. EVER (too excited)! this resulted in a number of outfit changes over the weeks. Not to mention her love of my underpants, socks and bra’s taking any chance possible to pinch them. Just this morning I walked into the yard to find a pair of my undies laying there, cheeky thing! I am down a pair of shoes that she enjoyed chewing up while I was out one day. My fault for leaving them out :)

The rat.. Pickles is very cute, LOVES a scratch behind the ear and getting out of her cage to tear up newspaper is the highlight of her day. She bit me, scratched me and even forgot to tell me to close her cage one night (yep I am blaming her haha) I woke in the morning and remembered, RAN downstairs to check she was still there all while having visions of having to run out and buy a new rat to try and fool the kids (wouldn’t work I know) but there she was, sitting on top of her cage. just chilling out! Cleaning out her cage each week… not so fun!

Today I decided to do a little shoot with them. Coco loves to jump up to where Pickles cage is, where Pickles then snuggles and occasionally nibbles at Coco. So I was not sure how they would go both being on the ground together, but I was optimistic, and it paid off.. Coco just lay still will Pickles explored, cuddled, nibbled, cleaned and cuddled some more.

Then is was bath time for Coco, for a mostly crazy dog, she has such peaceful moments.. I often wonder what she is thinking as she stares out the window waiting for her family to come home or when she sits, head rested on the edge of the couch waiting for me to share my food, or when I bath her… and make her dress in the towel.. yeah I wonder what she was thinking LOL.

Below are two unexpected best friends..

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