central coast preschool & Daycare photography

New Year. New Adventures. | Sydney Portrait Photographer


A new year, which to me means..  new adventures, new dreams and a new blog! what more could a girl ask for. Shoes I hear you say? well… of course definitely new shoes too!

2009 was a hugely important and successful year for myself and my business. On a personal level and professional level 2009 was a whirlwind of excitement, tears, laughter and love. A year I will never ever forget, a year that has clearly stamped itself on my heart never to be forgotten.  

2009 saw the end of Zenith Images and the creation of my new baby le CoCo. I have worked very hard and carefully building le CoCo and I have a feeling deep in my soul that 2010 will be the year for it to shine! So I am kick staring this year off with my new blog which will soon be jam packed with photography goodness. I am also in the process of designing new business cards and working on my new packaging! Very exciting stuff happening and I am so overjoyed to be experiencing it all.

Peace. Love. Joy… for your 2010!



And I couldn’t submit my first post without an image! This is Manly beach here in Sydney as a storm rolls in from the west.. moments after this image was taken we were ducking and dodging our way in the pelting rain towards the ferry wharf to head back to the city.. it then ceased raining for our ferry trip which was nice. Such a great day.

Manly Beach

Manly Beach - New Years Day 2010 - Summer Storm

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