central coast preschool & Daycare photography

feeling blue | Sydney Photographer

Brown paper packages tied up with string, These are a few of my favourite things…

I Heart Etsy! for those who don’t know what Etsy is, RUN! (don’t walk) over there and check it out. I am addicted, and while I have only purchased a few things, my ‘favourites’ list is getting longer and longer.  So below are some of my current faves… and yes with a blue theme. Click on the picture to be taken to the Etsy listing.


Glistening icy white trees on a pale translucent blue sky, whats not to love

Glistening icy white trees on a pale translucent blue sky, whats not to love


cheerful chocolate brown birds in a blue tree silhouette art piece.

cheerful chocolate brown birds in a blue tree silhouette art piece.


Recycled Eco Tote

Recycled Eco Tote

blue and chocolate brown set of hair clips are just adorable!

blue and chocolate brown set of hair clips are just adorable!

Eiffel tower gift tags. love love love!

Eiffel tower gift tags. love love love!

Super cute! clothes peg magnets with scrabble tiles

Super cute! clothes peg magnets with scrabble tiles

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