central coast preschool & Daycare photography

Change | Sydney Photographer

I scribbled this below quote onto a heart covered kikki.k post it note a couple of weeks ago, I put it aside and subsequently lost it under a pile of ‘paperwork’. I found it last night and read it again and once again it found itself on the pile of junk.. oh I mean paperwork.

Today was my last day of full time work, unfortunately not forever, but at least for the foreseeable future.  You see, I have been contracting at Toshiba for the past year and my time has finally come to an end.. when I was first told (with 2 days warning), I was thinking “great, this is what I wanted, time to work on my photography business” within a few hours that wonderful positive thought process had turned into “OH NO, what am I going to do for money, I’m not ready to dive into my business…aahhhhhh”, a quick email to my wonderful photographer friends was met with the following reply “shut up, of course you are ready, get out there and kick some butt”… ah what would I do without mygirls. Anyway so that was 4 weeks ago, yep.. Work asked me to to stay another week, then another week.. you can see where this is going right?

So I have been busy preparing myself for taking on the life of a small business owner, and right now I am so excited (ask me again in a month or so, it could be a different story haha). I get to do something I absolutely adore (take photos), I get to be my own boss and work my own hours, I couldn’t ask for a better path to take my life journey down. I know its not going to be all sunshine and lollipops, but I’m ready for the challenges that lay ahead. There are some huge changes coming my way. As daunting as it all seems right now, the below quote, I am finding comfort in.

I was today chatting with a good friend, she has also been going though some pretty major life changes recently. I told her that I had a quote for her, I came home and dug up the post it note,  so this quote is for you girl, just as much as it is for me. We are all in it together (thanks Ben Lee)!

(I also think I picked a perfect polaroid too)


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